Local Number Service (LNS)
Local Number Service is the most effective tool for multi-national companies to communicate locally in countries where they do not have a physical presence. The communications can be made more impactful by using geographical numbers to reach out to our audience present in respective cities or provinces.
Mobile Local Number Service (MLNS)
MLNS has revolutionized the way cloud communications play a role by enabling a single number for both Voice and Messaging services. This is a new offering with high demand, considering many of the use cases for cloud communications platforms are driven through SMS.
Free Call Service (FCS)
Which is more probably known as toll-free has stayed in existence for a long time. This product has served primarily as a key point of communication to clients for interacting with enterprises regarding enquires, support, etc.
Unified Communication (UC)
UC is referred to as PSTN Replacement Services. This product has launched avenues for providing local PBX services from the cloud. MNCs are the biggest beneficiaries of this product, and they can now centrally customize and scale their voice connectivity requirements across different geolocations. This ensures that the services are cost-effective, data privacy is maintained, and, above all, they get centralized billing.
Robust Network
Cloud Connect offers a redundant backbone infrastructure with PoPs in multiple continents. Our local and international connectivity supports long-term relationships with multiple operators and CSPs. With an increased uptime of 99.9%, we score very high on the CSI.
CPaaS+ is a next-gen AI-powered customer engagement platform. Its capabilities support use cases tailored to suit the communication requirements of all major industry segments. The omnichannel platform helps to enrich the communications made via virtual numbers for better engagement and revenue enhancement.